In Why Feedback Matters

What can managers do to generate change or create an engaged workforce?

This is a question that senior-level management across many different types of industries struggle with on a daily basis. Many managers find it challenging to determine effective strategies for employee engagement.

Part of the challenge stems from the fact that no two businesses are alike or operate in the same way – even if they perform similar services or offer comparable products. Every organisation needs to be assessed on its own merits to determine which engagement strategies will be most effective.

A 2011 survey by Aon Hewitt suggested that one of the main problems that managers have is that they tend to focus on employee engagement for only a few days a year, usually during an annual employee engagement survey.

Instead, Aon Hewitt recommends refocusing the emphasis on engagement so that it is an everyday part of the business process rather than a once-a-year activity. This can let your employees know that you value their ongoing growth and development, which can also lead to other benefits within your organisation.

Regularly checking in on your employees can have a significant impact on your company's bottom line. The survey showed that of the managers who observed a clear link between employee engagement and business results, 71 per cent regularly review their data and take action based on their findings.

A good first step may be to get your employees in the habit of regularly providing feedback to the organisation. A simple online survey carried out on a monthly basis, for example, could give managers a much better sense of engagement in real-time, and can help give them the information they need to make better decisions.

How are you checking in with your employees and assessing their engagement with your company? The right survey software can help managers keep their fingers on the pulse of your organisation. Request a demonstration from PeoplePulse today.

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