In Why Feedback Matters

Employee engagement surveys can be an excellent way to take the 'pulse' of your organisation and identify further areas for growth and improvement.

As a manager, there are a number of things you can do to make the survey process even more effective, from ensuring your surveys are concise to using the data for actionable results.

Short and sweet

According to DDI World, it is important that your employees don't experience "survey fatigue". Instead, keep your surveys relatively short – fewer than 25 questions.

Fewer questions mean that your staff are likely to put more thought and care into the answers they provide – and high-quality answers can help you identify areas where further improvements can be made.

Measure what you want to measure

There isn't much point in completing a survey for the sake of it – you will want to ensure that your survey actually measures employee engagement.

As you prepare your questions, consider how you will use the results from each response.

Asking deeply relevant questions, rather than presenting your employees with a surface-level satisfaction survey, can help you create a customised plan to boost engagement. This type of questioning also shows your employees that you are looking to gain a better understanding of their experiences on the job.

What are you going to do with the results?

A good survey shouldn't stop when all the forms have been completed and submitted – this is only the beginning! Employee engagement surveys are only useful if they are actionable.

This means that the survey is just the first step in a much larger process – now you will need to make a plan and continue to measure the results as you make changes within your organisation.

Did you know that you can request a demonstration of PeoplePulse's survey software for free? Get in touch today to find out more.

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