In Training Surveys

There's no doubt that training is essential to the success of a new staff member, but how seriously are you really taking this process with each new employee? Are you making training continuous, or just focusing on the initial stages?

While many Australian businesses are making an effort to train their new staff, they could go further, according to the Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI).

Training measures not only include formal sessions but also learning and support from fellow staff members.

Track the process with regular feedback from the trainee themselves, which can be done easily through a training feedback form.

One important training concept is the link between training and business objectives. For many businesses, the link could be stronger, and even lead to greater results for the company.

In a survey of HR professionals, 84 per cent said they believe in a connection between training and business objectives within their organisation, but only 13 per cent believe the link is strong. 16 per cent reported that the link was weak or non-existent, showing there is considerable room for improvement.

"The connection between investment in learning and development and the wider business strategy should always be central, not discretionary. So while at around 80 per cent it's pleasing to note the link is relatively robust, the sizeable minority who report little or no link is a concern," said Peter Wilson, chairman of the AHRI.

Many companies leave it to employees to initiate training opportunities, or chances to train will be few and far between, such as annually during the performance reviews process.

Remember, monitoring your return on investment from training is important! If your organisation doesn't measure this, implement a strategy as soon as possible.

Don't forget that learning is a constant process and there's always room to make your training match your business objectives and to make sure your staff are always upskilling – and upping their game.

Consider trying a free custom-branded demonstration of PeoplePulse, an online survey tool that can help you with staff and training feedback.

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