In Opinion Survey

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Did you know? Applicants’ culture beliefs [of your organisation] were related to several pre-interview information sources that recruiters can manage, but they were less related to information sources that firms cannot control.

Principles of marketing management suggest recruiters would benefit from
(1) assessing the prevailing beliefs of their target markets,
(2) conducting a gap analysis to ascertain how these beliefs diverge from the image they wish to promote, and
(3) developing written and verbal messages specifically constructed to reduce gaps.

(Cable, Aiman-Smith, Mulvey, Edwards, Academy of Management Journal, 2000)

So how well are your information sources working for your organisation’s recruitment? In addition, how successful is your application and recruitment process in attracting (and retaining) new employees? Have a read of our feature article, “Job Applicant Feedback: Why You Should Care What Your Job Applicants Think.”

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