While you might be concerned about how your current employees are faring and what strategies you can employ to keep them engaged and happy in their jobs, there is a whole new generation soon to hit the labour force.
So, what will generation Z, or those currently under the age of 17, bring and expect in a workplace?
A February 12 article from Time Magazine cited a study of 900 14 – 18 year olds and found 60 per cent responded saying "having an impact on the world" was one of the most important elements they will be looking for in a job.
It is always important to find out the motivations driving your employees to work within the organisation, and to see what changes you can make to keep them happy.
One great way to do this is through an employee satisfaction survey as this could highlight areas for your business to work on as well as identify sectors that are exceeding expectations.
As a manager, you could take this information from generation Z into consideration and think about the ways in which you might be able to foster and nurture new entrants in the job market.
Providing this new cohort of employees with plenty of opportunities to improve their knowledge could help you maintain their interest. Try lifelong learning programs, hands-on experience, mentoring and scope for other training as part of their career progression.
These 'digital natives' were born with technology at their fingertips and wouldn't remember a time before computers and mobile phones.
This means another important aspect of employment is the social element as modern technology has made the world an even more connected place.
One way to keep them connected is to regularly partake in employee surveys. Click here if you'd like to try a free custom-based demonstration to see how these work.