In Staff Surveys

Staff can make or break the success of an organisation, or, at the very least, have a significant influence on the day to day operations of a business.

This is why it's so important to seek employee feedback. Employees who are well looked after and are in a healthy environment where their opinions are valued are more likely to be satisfied with their job. Consequently, these kinds of workers are more likely to be productive and do right by the company.

Employee surveys are one way in which you can gauge how your staff are feeling.

What to ask

You want to cover all your bases and make sure that, on the whole, your staff are happy. There may be too many things to ask at once – in which case it can be a good idea to split your survey into a series, with each one focusing on a different aspect of the company or work life.

You could have one employee satisfaction survey for the area of training, for example, and another for the area of staff benefits and incentive schemes.


Jackie Sinnerton, writing for the Courier Mail on July 17, reported that an increasing number of businesses are suffering from staff thieving. Trevor Evans from the National Retail Association (NRA) said that in tougher economic times, cases of crimes such as workers stealing from an employer rise.

That's just one of the reasons why it's important to make sure your staff are satisfied. While this may not completely eradicate crime, content staff are less likely to lash out at an employer through theft or any other means.

Gauge your levels of employee satisfaction, and get the information you need to make improvements around your business.

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