In Online Survey Software

Are you aware of how skilled your staff are? Could undiscovered talent be laying in wait?

Undertaking a staff skills audit will indicate how well utilised your employees' talents are, or whether further training is required to get them up to speed. You may also want to consider a staff needs analysis.

This provides many benefits for both your staff as well as your business and clientele.

Benefits for employees

If your staff are being challenged to the best of their abilities they are more likely to feel motivated and become engaged in your business.

They may feel a spike in motivation, attitude and happiness levels as a result.

If they are not being challenged, you may be able to create opportunities for growth that will make use of their skills and talents in the workplace.

There may be a new project coming up they can aid with or you may be able to find another way to foster their talents and help your organisation achieve its strategic plan.

Benefits for your business

Happy staff are more likely to be more productive and this means a higher bottom line for your business. Not only that but since they are happier they will more than likely stick around for longer. 

This will produce cost savings for your business with a lower staff turnover and lower recruitment costs. There may also be savings because of a reduced need for supervision and less downtime.

This will result in increased sales and more referrals, which will drive up profitability for your business.

Other benefits include being able to more easily see where the gaps are in your workforce. This will make further recruitment easier.

Benefits for your clients

Happier staff are more likely to try harder to please your customers, which in turn will encourage them to spend more on your products and services.

Why not try a PeoplePulse survey today and see how your business can reap the benefits of a skill audit. 

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