In this webinar we’ll share 6 smart and practical ideas to help you generate revenue through your customer surveys:

  1. Establishing a simple and effective customer referral system
  2. Uncovering the most effective ways to harvest new leads from customers
  3. Knowing when your customers will next purchase – and what to do about it!
  4. Generating new product/service ideas + simple ways to improve your offer
  5. Building a testimonial database – and the role NPS® can play
  6. Saving ‘at-risk clients’ before it’s too late!

Bonus: at the conclusion of the session all attendees will receive a free ‘Showbag’ of useful Customer Survey resources and templates to help optimise your feedback process.

The webinar is run by:

Paul Quinn
Founder, PeoplePulse

and facilitated by:

Bronwyn Brown
Business Solutions Manager, PeoplePulse

Get a Live Demo:

Call us on +61 2 9232 0172 to discuss your Customer Survey needs, and for a free, no-obligation online demo. Alternatively, please click on “Get a Live Demo” below:

Net Promoter, Net Promoter System, Net Promoter Score, NPS and the NPS-related emoticons are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Inc., Fred Reichheld and Satmetrix Systems, Inc.