In Customer & Client Surveys

If you haven't yet been convinced of the business benefits of improving employee engagement, the results of the Q12 Meta-Analysis report from Gallup Consulting could provide considerable food for thought.

While researchers have been studying employee satisfaction since the early 20th century, it is only in the last few decades that greater correlations have been made between overall employee engagement and the performance of the business as a whole.

According to Gallup Consulting, "the quality of an organisation's human resources is perhaps the leading indicator of its growth and stability."

The study showed that companies that indicated higher levels of employee engagement also experienced higher customer loyalty metrics, lower staff turnover, better safety on the job and lower levels of both absenteeism and shrinkage.

Similarly, a correlation was also observed between high levels of employee engagement and the relative profitability (sales) and productivity of these organisations.

While this link was less direct than the immediate outcomes of employee engagement, it demonstrates the knock-on impact that satisfied workers can have on the rest of their team and the business as a whole.

For example, among the companies surveyed as part of the Gallup Q12 research, those that ranked within the top half of employee engagement scored 103 per cent higher on customer metrics than those in the bottom half of employee engagement.

Furthermore, organisations in the top quarter of employee engagement saw an 18 per cent rise in productivity and a 12 per cent rise in profitability compared with those in the bottom quarter.

How engaged are your employees at work? A good way to begin the conversation and to take action to make improvements is through employee engagement surveys.

Contact PeoplePulse today to request a free demonstration of our survey software and find out how you can do more to boost employee engagement at your organisation.

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