In Staff Surveys, Why Feedback Matters

Issues still abound in Australia, New Zealand and other countries worldwide about the number of women in leadership roles, and the potential for them to progress in the workplace.

A survey by recruiting experts Hay has found almost one in every two workers is not satisfied with the career path available to women in their organisation.

Around 24 per cent of those surveyed indicated they were not aware of the career path available to women and an additional 24 per cent were unsatisfied by the options presented for women.

While Australia has made significant progress towards gender equality in the past few decades, there are still worries about the glass ceiling.

Many expressed their concern that women were not being developed into leadership roles or supported and encouraged to reach their career goals.

One way to determine what percentage share this belief is by including it as a question in an employee satisfaction survey.

If staff are aware of where their roles could take them, they might report improved levels of satisfaction as they are more able to easily see how their careers can progress.

Another issue raised by the survey is the policy around maternity leave. Around 31 per cent of those surveyed said the policies were not made clear to them by their employer, according to Hays.

A staff survey could indicate if this is the case in your workplace and could show any other areas that need improvement.

Making gender equality in the workplace a priority is a great way to ensure you are attracting top talent as women are increasingly becoming more highly educated than men.

Not only that, but many men and women say they are more likely to stick around in an organisation they consider "fair" so you may find implementing policies that promote this aim could reduce staff turnover.

Want to find out how your business stacks up? Consider a free demonstration of a PeoplePulse survey and ask your staff how they feel.

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