In Staff Surveys, Training Surveys, Why Feedback Matters

Everyone wants to feel like they fit in. While this is true in all parts of society, it's perhaps most important in the workplace. In fact, research from the SHRM Foundation, a human resources organisation in the U.S., shows that the faster new hires feel welcomed into their workplace, they faster they are able to make a meaningful contribution to its mission and the better their performance will be.

To help new hires feel right at home right away, many companies have developed their own onboarding process, which usually aims to train the employee for his or her new position while also providing an overview into the culture of the company so he or she feels a sense of fitting in.

Whether your onboarding process is formal or informal, it's of utmost importance to make sure it works – to know that new employees not only understand their role in the company's professional goals, but also know where they fit in in the social and organisational scheme of the company.

Is your onboarding process working? You may not always be able to tell right away from the employee's performance. Plus, simply asking new employees whether they felt they were thoroughly trained and welcomed does not usually work – it can be hard for these new hires to really tell whether it worked, and more difficult yet for them to give you constructive criticism on where you could improve.

Onboarding surveys are an excellent way to get specific feedback on your company's onboarding process. With a well constructed onboarding survey you can prompt new hires to tell you exactly where things could be improved and which initiatives have most helped them adjust to the job.

PeoplePulse can help you build your onboarding survey. Click here for a free demonstration of these services. 

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