In Staff Surveys

While some of the building blocks of success must come from employees themselves, there are a few steps you can take to encourage these behaviours in your staff.

Here are some of the key steps to being productive and successful at work and how these can be encouraged by helpful leadership.


Making sure your staff are aware of the company's overall goals and aims is one way to ensure they know how to step up to the mark and are aware of just what is expected of them.

This is a surefire way to encourage them to aim high.

Plus, ensuring they are aware of all the information required of them to successfully complete their jobs will make them feel valued and appreciated.

This, in turn, will lead to a higher level of engagement and so staff will  be further motivated to succeed.

It is important this sharing goes both ways. So an employee survey could aid in developing a deeper bond with your staff and encourage them to stick around for longer.

Goals, assessments and rewards

Having something to strive towards will motivate staff to try harder and achieve even bigger and better things. Make sure all employees know what they should aim for.

Once they achieve this goal, it is important they are rewarded. Even a small bit of praise will encourage them for next time. 

Some offices do monthly 'shout outs' where those who have exceeded expectations are mentioned in a communication sent around the office.

Others participate in employee rewards schemes that offer a prize for meeting targets. This could be as simple as a voucher or something like an extra day or half-day off.

In order to determine which rewards would work, you could consider phrasing this as a question in your employee satisfaction survey.

If you're curious to see how these surveys could benefit you, why not try a free custom-based demonstration of a PeoplePulse survey?

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