In Staff Surveys

Are you trying to work out what your employees are thinking? Want to encourage them to stick around?

One way to find the answer to these delicate questions is by doing an employee satisfaction survey.

Here are five things you need to include in your survey for best results.

Assurance of anonymity

Staff are more likely to give honest answers if you can assure them their responses will remain confidential.

Let them know what will happen

Employees might also like to be reminded they can help your company to improve its workplace by answering the questions honestly.

If they have some idea of where the information is going and how it is likely to be used, they may be more motivated to answer your staff survey.

Give them troubleshooting advice

If the survey is not working, staff must be told what measures they can take to fix it so they can provide you with useful answers.

Even just a few sentences explaining what to do for basic problems can go a long way to help your staff learn what to do if they encounter any issues.

Communicate results

If you let staff know the results of past surveys, they may have confidence that they are being listened to and that their thoughts are valued.

Regularly undertaking surveys will give you a better idea of the bigger picture and can give you an indication on how well any implemented changes are working to change company morale – are your staff happier as a result of this work?


Use the data collected in the past to contrast the results you achieve from the current survey and see if your staff are any happier.

If your staff are aware you are making tangible efforts to ensure they are kept happy, they may feel more positively about their workplace.

Is it time to do an employee satisfaction survey? Click here for a free custom-based demonstration of PeoplePulse.

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