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What’s New?
All PeoplePulse features have been maintained – what we’ve done is organise and simplify the way you access them into 3 menus: Surveys, Invites, and Reports (note: your user access-level might mean that you do not see all three menus, or some of the menu items therein).
Items related to building new surveys, managing live and retired surveys, and advanced tasks such as creating notifications, changing survey designs, and setting up Filters.
- Create New Survey – Initiate the survey building wizard, starting with the ‘General’ tab. Once saved, the new survey can be found in the Work in Progress (WIP) screen.
- Edit Surveys (WIP) – Access the Work in Progress (WIP) screen where you’ll find surveys in the process of being built. You can further edit, apply filters to, and publish (launch to ‘Live’) surveys from this screen.
- Live Surveys – Access the ‘Live’ screen where you will find any surveys that have been published (launched) and are able to collect responses. You can browse responses, create links, create and report on email/SMS invitations, and retire surveys from this screen.
- Retired Surveys – Access the ‘Retired’ screen where you will find any surveys that have been retired and are no longer able to collect responses. You can browse responses, report on email/SMS invitations, and re-publish surveys from this screen.
- Create Notifications – Choose any survey that is currently Live (and in a folder you have access to) then create, edit, and delete Email Notifications.
- Look And Feel >
- Survey Style Sheet – Create and edit Style Sheets that control the style and font of elements such as Question Numbers, Mandatory Notifications and the Progress Bar, as well as various colours (e.g. matrix and mouse-hover shading). The Style Sheets can then be applied to new surveys and those that are still in the Work in Progress (WIP) screen via the ‘General’ tab.
- Survey Design Skin – Create, edit and preview survey Designs (Skins) using HTML and CSS. The survey Design (Skin) controls the overall layout and positioning of various elements such Survey Title, Questions and the Progress Bar. The Designs can then be applied to new surveys and those that are still in the Work in Progress (WIP) screen via the ‘General’ tab.
- Notification Design Skin – Create and edit Notification Designs (templates) that can then be applied when creating and editing email notifications (via the ‘Email Type: Design’ drop-down menu). It’s important to include the %email_text% token in these designs so that the contents of the notification can be substituted in.
- Filters >
- Preloaded Filters – Create and edit Preloaded Filters which can then be applied to surveys still in the Work in Progress (WIP) screen (via the ‘Filters’ icon). You can also edit the Answer Options in each filter, whether the answer options are locked (only acceptable values when uploading lists) as well as whether the filters themselves are mandatory (once applied to a survey).
- Filter Questions – Lists the questions that have been tagged as Filters, and which surveys they are from. You can edit the Filter name from this screen, as well as ‘delete’ the Filter aspect of the question (untag it from being a filter without deleting the question itself).
- Advanced Settings >
- Default Account Settings – Control global settings such as the default URL for Live surveys, as well as default messages for respondents such as when they unsubscribe, or try to open a survey that has been retired.
- Saved Answer Lists – Upload new Answer Lists for use in questions, such a list of Countries, States, or Age Groups, or your preferred Likert scale wording and scoring.
Items related to distributing your surveys, such as sending individual or bulk invites via email or SMS, creating and editing invite templates, and reporting on invite performance.
- Send Individual Invite – Choose any survey that is currently Live (and in a folder you have access to), as well as an Invitation setup, then add new individual email/SMS recipients one by one. Note: if the survey has ‘No Invitation Available’ then you’ll see a link saying ‘Go To Invites’ where you can set up an Invitation for the chosen survey. Alternatively, you can manage Invitation setups via ‘Surveys > Live Surveys’ by clicking on the ‘Invitations’ icon next to the survey of your choice.
- Send Bulk Invites – Choose any survey that is currently Live (and in a folder you have access to), as well as an Invitation setup, then bulk add new email/SMS recipients by uploading a CSV list. Note: if the survey has ‘No Invitation Available’ then you’ll see a link saying ‘Go To Invites’ where you can set up an Invitation for the chosen survey. Alternatively, you can manage Invitation setups via ‘Surveys > Live Surveys’ by clicking on the ‘Invitations’ icon next to the survey of your choice.
- Invite Templates – Create, edit and preview then Invitation Templates (both Email and SMS) that are used when setting up Invitations (via the ‘Message Template:’ drop-down menu). Tip: Ensure that you always include the %url% token in your template content, otherwise your invitations won’t have a link to the survey.
- Invite Performance – Choose any survey that is currently Live (and in a folder you have access to) and you’ll see the high-level results of any Invitation setups such as: number of recipients invited; number viewed first page of survey; number finished survey. You can see a more detailed Email/SMS Tracker Report (featuring charts) by clicking on the Report icon next to the setup of your choice. This screen also gives you access to a Bulk CSV Extract of all invitees from all Invitation setups, as well as to the powerful Recipient Rules feature (used to exclude recipients from being invited more than once in any given period). Tip: To run a combined Email/SMS Tracker Report for all invitations in a survey, go to ‘Surveys > Live Surveys’ and click on the Report icon next to the survey of your choice.
- Master Suppression List – Lists all recipients who have unsubscribed from receiving Email/SMS invitations, the date this occurred, as well as whether they unsubscribed from just one survey, or from all of your surveys (‘Global’). You can also edit their status, reinstate them, add new ‘unsubscribe’ emails, and export a CSV of all unsubscribed emails from this screen.
Access our powerful Reporting Suite. Items include our popular Overview, Question Group, and Strengths and Weaknesses reports, and the ability to customise chart colours and easily setup widgets: great looking graphics that display your live survey results on your public website or intranet.
- Overview Report – A detailed view of your survey results, including the number of responses, the completion rate, and a breakdown of responses question-by-question (including any average scores and free-text responses). You can create and export a variety of charts for each question. More advanced features include a Strengths and Weaknesses summary, the ability to Visualise Filters (demographics), and the ‘Individual Responses’ view (unless respondent anonymity is enabled).
- Question Group Report – Organise your scored questions into Groups (by theme) and create charts and tables that provide high-level insights. You can also create more detailed comparative reports based on any Filters you have setup prior to running your survey (e.g. results by theme comparing Departments or Locations), variance reports (e.g. the difference between the Average Score Overall and the score for individual managers), as well as trend reports (using the Auto-Date Filters).
- Filter Comparison Report – A detailed view of your survey results, similar to the Overview Report, but with the ability to add comparative columns for any Filters you have setup prior to running your survey (e.g. a detailed breakdown of answer options selected by Females vs by Males). You can also create and export a variety of charts for each question.
- Strengths & Weaknesses Report – Displays the top 5 and bottom 5 scoring questions in your survey. You can increase/decrease the number of top/bottom performers shown, as well run comparative reports for any Filters you set up prior to running your survey (e.g. for the top/bottom 5 performers, show the results for each State or Department). You can also create and export charts for Strengths and Weaknesses.
- Top Box Report – Used mainly for ‘percentage positive’ reporting, this report allows you to ‘polarise’ your scored questions by placing some answer options in a ‘top-box’ (e.g. Satisfied and Highly Satisfied) and other options in a ‘bottom-box’ (e.g. Neutral, Dissatisfied, and Highly Dissatisfied). You can then sort your results but Top and Bottom performers, and create and export charts.
- Variance Report – A clean table displaying overall averages for your scored questions, with the ability to add variance reporting for any Filters you set up prior to running your survey (e.g. the difference between the the Average Score Overall and the scores for individual Departments).
- Date Comparison Report – A detailed view of your survey results, similar to the Overview Report, but with the ability to compare custom date-ranges (e.g. to compare specific 14-day periods). You can also create and export a variety of charts for each question. Tip: To easily compare Years, Quarters and Months, please run the Filter Comparisons Report and use ‘Auto-Date Filters.’
- Cross Tab Report – The Cross Tabulation Report allows you to analyse how responses to one question might be interrelated to answers from another question. Tip: In creating a cross tab, the question that you believe changes or affects the responses should be the column question, while the responses that are being affected or explained should be the row question.
- Responses Report – A simple extract (‘raw data dump’) of your survey responses. You can choose which questions to include, a date range, whether to include any Filters, and whether to extract the results to a CSV or to display them in an on-screen table.
- Response Trackers >
- Attrition Report – Displays how many impressions each page of your survey has received. This report identifies specific pages where respondents drop-off, which is helpful in improving the flow of future surveys. Tip: The ‘impressions’ on ‘Page 1’ is triggered as soon as someone clicks on their survey link, and some people may click on their survey link to view the first page multiple times before starting their survey, hence it is not unusual for page 1 to show a much higher page impression count than page 2.
- Hourly Profile – Displays the hour of the day that responses to your survey were received (in Australian Eastern Standard Time – AEST). It is useful for deciding the time of day to send future survey invites.
- Responses By Day – Displays a breakdown of how many responses you have received by day, from survey launch date through to survey retirement date. (The time zone used is Australian Eastern Standard Time – AEST). This report can be useful in helping to decide when responses are tailing off and hence when the best time is to send a survey reminder, or to retire a survey.
- Saved Reports – This is the area where any reports you have ‘saved’ is stored. If you selected ‘Public’ when saving, everyone who has access to your organisation’s PeoplePulse account will be able to see the report. If you select ‘No’ then only people with access to your log-in details will be able to see the saved report. Note: saved reports are ‘dynamic’ – which means that they automatically update for as long as your survey is still live and collecting data.
- Report Extras >
- Emailed Reports – This report shows an audit trail of all reports that have been emailed from your account using the ‘Email Report’ feature available in PeoplePulse reports. If you would like to deactivate someone’s access to an emailed report, you can click on the bin icon in the functions column.
- Custom Palette Charts – By default, PeoplePulse chart elements (e.g. columns, individual slices of pie charts, etc.) cycle through 12 preset colours. This screen gives you the ability to create and edit custom palettes which are then accessible when creating charts in various reports.
- Create Widgets – Create, edit and preview ‘Widgets’ – great looking graphics that are an effective way to communicate your survey scores on your internal intranet or public website. There are a number of designs to choose from, and you can customise colours, fonts and more. Results update dynamically as new responses are received. See some examples here.
FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions
Click on the topics below to read the answers to some frequently asked questions:
If you are used to sending email/SMS invites by going to ‘Survey’ > ‘Live’ then you can still use this same path, i.e.
- Open the ‘Surveys’ menu
- Click on the ‘Live Surveys’ menu item
- Click on the ‘Invitations’ icon next to your survey
- Click on the ‘Individual’ or ‘Bulk’ invite icon next to the desired invitation setup
- You can now add a new record / upload a CSV
However, we have also added a new, easy-to-use interface accessible via the ‘Invites’ menu:
- Open on the ‘Invites’ menu
- Click on the ‘Send Individual Invite’ / ‘Send Bulk Invites’ menu item
- From the ‘Folder’ dropdown, choose the survey folder (most commonly ‘Shared Access Surveys’)
- From the ‘Survey’ dropdown, choose the survey
- From the ‘Invitation Name’ dropdown, choose the invitation setup*
- Click on the ‘Next’ button at the bottom-right of the screen
- You can now add a new record / upload a CSV
* Note: if the survey has ‘No Invitation Available’ then you’ll see a link saying ‘Go To Invites’ where you can create an ‘invitation setup’ for the chosen survey.
- Open the ‘Surveys’ menu
- Select the ‘Live Surveys’ menu item
- Click on the ‘Hammer Icon’ next to your Live survey
- At the bottom-left of the screen, click on the ‘Bulk Links’ button
- Open the ‘Survey’ menu
- Click on the ‘Live Surveys’ menu item
- Click on the ‘Report’ icon next to your survey
- Open the ‘Surveys’ menu
- Click on the ‘Live Surveys’ menu item
- Click on the ‘Invitations’ icon next to your survey
- Click on the ‘Add New’ button at the bottom-right of the screen
Having Trouble Logging In?
Not to worry: Any PeoplePulse user who has not logged in within the last 12 months has been temporarily deactivated as an added security measure. To reactivate your account, simply contact or phone us on +61 2 9232 0172.
We’re Here to Help
We hope that you’ll enjoy using our new look menus. If you have any questions or need any help, please contact or call us on +61 2 9232 0172.